Friday, April 29, 2022

Becoming resilient by understanding risks

This is the first in a series of blogs by Mark Simos Lead Cybersecurity Architect, Cybersecurity Solutions Group and Sarah Armstrong-Smith Chief Security Advisor at Microsoft. Explore how to manage challenges associated with keeping an organization resilient against cyberattacks and data breaches. This series will examine both the business and security perspectives and then look at the powerful trends shaping the future. This blog series is unabashedly trying to help you build a stronger bridge between cybersecurity and your organizational leadership.


Thursday, April 28, 2022

A people-first approach to fostering cyber resilience

Sarah Armstrong-Smith, Chief Security Advisor at Microsoft shares her learnings on fostering cyberresilience in organisations. She talks about how a people-led approach and an integrated security strategy cuts across siloes, acting as an enabler for every aspect of a business, driving agility and innovation.


Remote developer productivity

The way people work and live changed drastically during 2020. As companies had to quickly transition to remote work, the challenges became clear. From adopting a new culture to overcoming collaboration and remote shipping challenges, there had to be an integral solution for these types of issues. The customers’ objective is to enable a remote Development paradigm that allows their developers to invent with purpose as effectively (if not more so) as before this situation. They expect any investments they make in the cloud now to accrue benefits to the way they’ll continue to operate after the world has transitioned to the new normal. Fortunately, Microsoft offers a wide variety of tools and platforms, from Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365, Azure, GitHub, and Visual Studio—helping companies build business resilience. Subscribe to stay connected—we´ll help your development teams code, collaborate, and ship their internal and customer-facing apps even while working as a remotely distributed team.


Entiende a tus clientes y fortalece las relaciones de forma remota

El mundo ha cambiado y el espacio de trabajo sigue evolucionando luego de la pandemia. Entender a tu cliente es esencial para personalizar tus ventas; saber qué quiere y necesita tu cliente da como resultado compromisos eficaces. Con un incremento de trabajo en la nube, los productos como LinkedIn Sales Navigator y Dynamics 365 Sales te ayudan a mantenerte competitivo y encontrar clientes en donde sea que estén. Regístrate para saber más acerca de cómo comprometerse de forma eficaz con las ventas digitales.


Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Esta herramienta de LinkedIn puede impulsar tus ventas

LinkedIn Sales Navigator es una aplicación prémium basada en una suscripción que se especializa en buscar clientes potenciales y rastrear las ventas potenciales. Su motor de búsqueda avanzado te ayuda a identificar clientes potenciales al buscar líderes o cuentas, filtrando los resultados de la búsqueda según la región geográfica, el tamaño de la empresa, el rol, el nivel de antigüedad y más. Con el navegador de ventas, los vendedores pueden atraer a nuevos líderes, conexiones y descubrir nuevos de forma automática. La versión de Teams conecta aplicaciones populares de CRM y capta tu actividad del navegador de ventas.


Tuesday, April 26, 2022

How modern security helps you stay productive and resilient

Siân John MBE, Microsoft’s EMEA Director for Cybersecurity Strategy talks about the importance of a modern approach to cybersecurity, with tools that have built-in protection, makes it easier for organisations to work together, from anywhere. Learn how AI and automation can free up security and IT teams so they can focus on value-add work, delivering innovation to your organisation.


Britax Römer crea una solución de comercio electrónico unificada con Dynamics 365

Britax Romer, el ingeniero/fabricante europeo de asientos de auto para niños y cochecitos diseña y entrega productos de seguridad a los distribuidores de toda Europa. Para innovar y adelantarse a la competencia, necesitaba automatizar, digitalizar y otorgarle a los perspicaces clientes y distribuidores la información que necesitaban en un solo lugar, así como haciendo entregas en tiempo récord. Las soluciones de Microsoft Dynamics 365 le otorgaron al consumidor al por menor una guía para los mejores productos más seguros para niños.


Get the most out of Microsoft Azure with Visual Studio

If you have a Microsoft Visual Studio subscription, make sure you explore the benefits that come with it—or you may be leaving value on the table. Use your monthly Microsoft Azure credits and Azure training, DevTest pricing, Azure DevOps, support, and more. Get an overview of all your benefits and even project ideas for how to use your credits.


Monday, April 25, 2022

Leveraging security to build customer trust

When security is built-in and treated like an enabler rather than a pain point, it frees up employees to be able to do their best work. Supported by AI and machine learning to help take over the low-level monitoring, your cybersecurity team can focus on higher-level tasks. This translates to better customer experiences and protection over your whole digital estate, including data.


Friday, April 22, 2022

NHS Blood and Transplant build new electronic Donorpath record system on Azure

NHS Blood and Transplant (NHS BT) is the authority responsible for managing organ donation and transplant services, as well as blood and blood product donation services, in the UK’s national health service. NHS BT leveraged Azure to improve the organ donation process and the experience of patients and donor families. The new Donorpath system has transformed the administrative process of organ donation, giving as much as forty percent of time back to the nurses, while taking advantage of the scalability, resiliency, and the security Azure provides.


Thursday, April 21, 2022

Get started with GitHub and Azure DevOps

Adopting the tools and mindset of DevOps in the right manner can facilitate development efficiency, boost productivity, and increase the rate at which products can be brought to market. Sign up to stay connected. We’ll help you navigate the world of GitHub and Azure DevOps and share helpful tips to get started.


Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Allica Bank exists to help UK SMEs succeed

Allica Bank delivers on the ambition to empower SMEs by providing a full suite of digitally enhanced financial products. In order to do this, they are powered by modern technology and tools but built on real human relationships and trust. As a bank, data security and compliance with UK banking regulations were the two top priorities for the team. They chose to go with proven software that Allica Bank considered to be best in-class, including Microsoft 365, Dynamics CRM and Azure.


Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Azure DevOps vs. GitHub: Comparing the Microsoft DevOps tools

When diving into the world of DevOps tools, it’s important to remember that Microsoft Azure DevOps and GitHub each offer unique value and overlapping capabilities. They can be used separately or together, so there’s even a “why not both?” scenario. Learn the history of these two DevOps tools, the specific advantages of each, and how to get started using them.


Monday, April 18, 2022

Customer Stories Medley

A short medley of customer stories showing how a modern security strategy empowers them to deliver better customer experiences, empower productivity and become more agile and resilient.


Thursday, April 14, 2022

Accelerate developer velocity using any platform, any language, and any cloud

Teams that adopt DevOps culture, practices, and tools become high-performing—building better products faster for greater customer satisfaction. This improved collaboration and productivity is essential to achieve business goals such as accelerating time to market, adapting to the market and competition, maintaining system stability and reliability, and improving the mean time to recovery. Sign up to say connected—we’ll help you learn more about Azure DevOps with GitHub and Visual Studio from Microsoft.


Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Security and Risk Management

Customer trust is everything. Take an active, uncompromising approach to your security and risk management to protect your critical data and assets.


Tuesday, April 12, 2022

MPAA relies on Azure and Visual Studio to innovate and increase efficiencies

When the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences maxxed-out its on-premises infrastructure, it turned to Microsoft Azure to expand its capacity into the cloud. It also leaned into Azure DevOps to improve collaboration between development and infrastructure teams and used Visual Studio to develop new streaming apps across Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, and tvOS—delivering rich, responsive online experiences to its members across different devices and platforms.


Monday, April 11, 2022

4 ways to build cyber resilience

Discover the four ways to build cyber resilience and help organisations adapt at speed, build trust and empower everyone to achieve more. Take an active, uncompromising approach to security with an integrated security platform, protecting critical data and services, enabling remote work, and building resilient cyberteams.


Thursday, April 7, 2022

What is DevSecOps?

DevSecOps is the evolution of DevOps, where developer, security, and operations teams are united around the culture of security as a shared responsibility. Sign up to stay connected. We’ll help you navigate the world of DevSecOps and understand how to successfully adopt it.


Tuesday, April 5, 2022

What is DevOps?

DevOps as an ideal is revolutionizing the way organizations communicate and how they handle their daily work. Learn how this process brings together development and operations teams—who have traditionally been pitted against each other—and allows them to align on value and work toward a common goal.